ABO Wind is now

ABO Energy

We have changed our name. But why?

Our new name better captures the entirety of the clean energy projects we develop, demonstrating the value of working with (and for) us.


Press release UK: ABO Wind becomes ABO Energy

Leading international renewable energy developer ABO Wind has rebranded in the UK to become ABO Energy. The company, founded in Germany in 1996, now has a presence in 16 countries and four continents across the world. It has a 30-strong team in the UK with offices in Scotland, England and Northern Ireland. Initially set up to develop onshore wind farms, the company’s focus has expanded, and its expertise has grown to include battery energy storage, solar PV and hydrogen production.

Partnering with farmers and landowners, ABO Energy takes responsibility for all aspects of the project, from planning and design through to construction and operation. The company has ambitions to lead the UK’s drive for net zero, with plans in place to develop a >3GW pipeline of renewable energy projects in the coming years.

This will involve a private investment of £8 billion, which will support local economies throughout the country, creating job opportunities, enabling farm diversification and providing community funds.

Mario Kellermann, Country Manager Ireland and UK at ABO Energy said:

“Over the years our expertise and ability to deliver different renewable technologies has grown beyond onshore wind.

“Our new name, ABO Energy, better reflects the fact that we are working with landowners and partners across the UK on many different projects including solar PV, green hydrogen production and battery energy storage.

“We are still the same company and there has been no change in ownership. The rebrand simply allows us to better communicate our range of experience and knowledge in the renewable sector.

“Our commitment to supporting the UK’s shift away from fossil fuels is stronger than ever. We are actively progressing projects across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland as part of our plan to deliver more than 3GW of renewable capacity by 2030.

“Delivering these developments will involve a substantial private investment of £8 billion and we are excited about the opportunities we can help create throughout the UK, specifically in rural areas.

“Under the ABO Energy identity, we look forward to working with everyone as we play a leading role in the UK’s clean energy transition.”




More than wind


> 4000 MW


950 MW


> 100 MW

We started with wind, then added solar and battery, and are now also developing hydrogen projects. The name ABO Wind no longer fully describes our business. The diversity of our development capacity is an advantage for business partners and employees that we want to emphasise.


More green energy


~ 23 GW

hydrogen projects

20 GW

The new name also reflects our vision of a future in which the term “energy” will only be associated with renewables. The ~ 23 GW of renewable projects in our development pipeline plus an additional 20 GW in hydrogen projects will secure our place in this future.


More than one country

16 countries

Active in 16 countries


> 1,200 employees

For the first five years, ABO Wind was active only in Germany. We now have offices in 16 countries around the world. We need a name that works globally. In French and Spanish, for example, the root word ‘wind’ (éolien, eólica) is different, whereas the root word ‘energy’ is similar in most languages.


A new name for an established company

A reliable partner for the energy transition

Although we have changed our name, our core values will not change. Ethical responsibility, economical prudence and careful planning remain the core of ABO Energy. We work not only for the success of our company, but in addition, we strive to do business fairly and favourably for all parties involved to create shared value and to make the greatest possible contribution to global climate protection.

A reliable partner
Global Meeting

Sustainable growth makes us strong

ABO Energy has never focused on short-term success, but rather on sustainability. The quality of the projects and the competence of the employees are the cornerstones of the company’s success. We work on exciting new projects, while tapping into new dimensions in terms of project size and technology.

Down-to-earth and founder-managed

ABO Wind AG evolves into ABO Energy KGaA. This new legal form will help the founders retain significant influence as general partners. Renewable energy projects have extended development cycles, which fits the founders’ business model perspective perfectly.



More history
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Patricia McGrath


Patricia McGrath
Tel. +44 7473 153307

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