
FAQ Contact

If you own land that might be suitable for wind or solar projects, please feel free to contact us. Renewable energy developments are usually compatible with farming. Farmers can continue to use land for growing crops or grazing livestock. Sheep, cows and horses are not disturbed by operating wind farms or solar plants. ABO Energy would be happy to undertake an obligation free feasibility study to investigate possibilities on your land.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I find out if my land is suitable for a renewable energy project?

We would be happy to analyse the potential of your land at short notice, without obligation and free of charge. Together, we will find the optimal site to develop wind or photovoltaic (PV) projects with the best possible chances of success. For this purpose, we employ experienced experts for site planning and assessment, use geographical information systems (GIS), take into account nature conservation issues and evaluate the electronic infrastructure.

What costs should I expect?

None. ABO Energy will bear all costs and expenses of project development and implementation; no expenses are incurred by the land owners. This also applies in the event that the project cannot be realised. Among other things, ABO Energy bears all costs arising from the land lease agreements, for example for land registration fees.

Why is it necessary to sign a contract at an early stage of planning?

Project development is risk-intensive, time-consuming and financially expensive: In particular, external expert reports and assessments incur high costs. ABO Energy can only bear these investments if it is ensured that the land owner will go through with the project with us. The written consent of the owner is also a prerequisite so that ABO Energy can act as the "owner's representative" and discuss the project with the authorities. As a safeguard, owners are given a contractual right of termination in the event that the turbines cannot not be built as planned.

Who pays for possible damage of my property?

ABO Energy is liable for all damages that occur in the context of the construction, operation and dismantling of the wind energy or solar plants. For this purpose, we take out liability insurance policies that cover the entire construction, operation and dismantling period. If, despite all precautionary measures, forest or field damage occurs during work on the wind farm or solar farm, ABO Energy will compensate the owner or tenant. 

How can I be sure that the land lease will be paid as agreed?

The contract secures your rights as a property owner. In the event of default of payment, you can terminate the contract and have the wind or solar farm dismantled. In the unlikely event of the operator's insolvency, the financing bank has a great interest in the wind farm's continued existence due to the current loans. It would enter into the contract and ensure that the lease continues to be paid.

Why should I choose ABO Energy?

ABO Energy is an experienced and trusted partner for renewable energies. Since 1996, we have realised wind and solar farms with a total capacity of 4,000 megawatts (MW) and have constructed half of them on a turnkey basis. We take care of every step of project development and construction; from planning and approval, purchasing and installation to commissioning, operational management and direct marketing of the electricity. We organise the maintenance as well as possible compensation measures.




Robin Reese

Director Development

Robin Reese

Tel. +1 587 355 8720

Dave Berrade

Social Impact and Engagement Lead

Dave Berrade

Tel. +1 (587) 576-5339

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FAQ Contact