Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project

A major renewable project in Newfoundland and Labrador, powered by the province’s world-class wind. 

News The Project About ABO Energy Partnerships and Community Engagement Q&A Glossary of Terms Vendors and Suppliers Contact

ABO Energy is eager to commence Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project in Newfoundland and Labrador, located in the vicinity of the Avalon Isthmus. ABO Energy intends to develop a total of 5 GW (5,000 MW) on the Island of Newfoundland, powered by the province’s world-class wind speeds. 

Current status
Permitting process


Project Email Newsletter

Stay updated on Toqlukuti'k Wind and Hydrogen by subscribing to our e-newsletter here

Previous editions:
September 2024 e-newsletter
July 2024 e-newsletter
June 2024 e-newsletter
May 2024 e-newsletter


ABO Energy Mobile Community Offices

The Project Toqlukuti’k team remains committed to be present in community as much as possible. Please see the schedule below. We hope you’ll stop in for a conversation.

ABO Energy Mobile Community Offices

July 2024: What We Heard Report

The Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project team was thrilled with the attendance and outcomes of our first round of 7 open houses we hosted in communities during March 2024. We appreciate each person who asked a question, provided comments, expressed a concern, or simply joined us to learn more about Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen and meet our team. Following these information sessions, our team compiled a “What We Heard” report to summarize just that – what we heard from community members.

As the Project is still in the early stages of its planning cycle, many of the questions posed at the information sessions could not be answered yet, however, we captured your questions with a commitment to have questions answered in this What We Heard document.

You can now access the document here.

Printed copies will also be available for members of the public to read at our monthly community office hours (advertised above). Otherwise, please contact us at info_toqlukutik(at) if you require other accommodations to access the document.

We look forward to hosting additional Open Houses in the Project region during Fall 2024. These community meetings are vital to help our team learn about what matters most to you, and what questions you may have as the Project develops. This helps inform our own planning as we advance this Project. 


Environmental Studies: 2024 Field Program

With our third-party environmental consultant, ABO Energy is continuing environmental baseline studies throughout the spring and summer. Baseline studies help us determine and understand the characteristics of an area prior to any development, and to establish the existing environmental status.

By continuing these studies, we will be able to assess, verify and compile valuable environmental and ecological data to support the development of the environmental assessment registration document (EAR). The requirements for baseline assessment studies have been identified per the guidelines provided by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Department of Environment and Climate Change.

What to expect:

  • 1 to 4 persons are doing field studies in designated areas of the region during this timeframe.
  • They conduct observations of wildlife including bird, bat and mammal species.
  • Additional baseline study activity will include vegetation classification (both land and aquatic), freshwater fish and fish habitat classification, sediment and soil collection, water shed and wetland identification. 

April to September 2024


All activities will be conducted as per regulatory determined processes, and where applicable will be conducted under regulatory issued permits/authorizations.


Community Input Map: Incorporating Feedback from Open Houses

Through discussion at the 7 open houses held in March 2024, our GIS team developed a map to capture local input that residents shared with our team. 

Community Input Map

This map depicts a number of local features that have been highlighted thanks to the input of local residents.

We’re continuing conversations through our local mobile office program and Project Information e-mail, and we look forward to holding more information sessions in the fall. Your ongoing feedback and local knowledge sharing will continue to help inform our Project development. 

We are currently working on updating our Frequently Asked Questions and will soon share a document with you on our website and through our newsletter to summarize key themes, questions and concerns that were brought up during the March 2024 open house sessions. Meanwhile, environmental baseline studies are continuing through the spring and summer with our third-party environmental consultant. This information, along with your feedback and other existing data will be continuously incorporated into our Project mapping and planning. 


Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project: Initial MET Installation

As mentioned in the recent information session presentations, ABO Energy will be installing a MET tower to measure wind. A third-party contractor (TEP) and their subcontractor (Westower Communications) will conduct the first installation of a MET tower.

What is a MET? A MET tower, short for “meteorological evaluation tower” is a wind measurement tower to verify wind speeds in certain locations. It looks like many cellphone towers that are already installed throughout the region.

Where is it being installed? The MET will be installed in the hills North of Southern Harbour and Southern Harbour Station, on the East side of the TCH. This location is indicated by the green dot on the map below.

Why is it being installed? This measurement activity will help inform the Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project as it comes to expected wind speeds for planning wind turbine installations. It will also support the wind feasibility scope of the Project’s Environmental Assessment Registration. There will be additional MET installations as the Project planning progresses.

What to expect for this installation activity?   

  • Expected duration of work: Site activity over the next 12-14 weeks, starting in early April 2024, depending on weather and other potential delays.
  • What is involved? 2 to 6 individuals will be working with the contractor at a given time over this period, dependant on activities required for the work. This will include mulching, surveying, completing geotechnical core samples, installing anchors, rigging, and stacking the tower, or completing instrumentation.


Contact Joe Bennett, Communications and Engagement Lead, Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen


MET Location Map:

Location Map

Public Information Sessions

Upcoming information sessions are scheduled for the fall. Dates will be announced soon. For updates, visit our website or subsribe to our newsletter.


Public information Sessions March 2024

The Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project team would like to thank everyone who attended our recent information sessions in March 2024. Community input and knowledge sharing are very important to inform our Project planning. We look forward to continuing to work together with you.

You can access the March 2024 Community Information Session Materials here:


Posters from Public Information Sessions

Please click on an image to see a larger version.

ABO Wind – Globally Connected, Locally Focused
Timeline and Environmental Considerations
Green Hydrogen produced from Wind
Community Engagement – A Local Focus
A Major Project with Significant Opportunities


September 2023: Toqlukuti’k Project Information for Communities

ABO Wind eager to commence Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project in NL (pdf)

30 August 2023: Press Release

ABO Wind awarded the exclusive right to pursue development of its Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project in Newfoundland and Labrador


The Project

ABO Energy Canada Ltd. (ABO Energy Canada or ABO Energy) and partners Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) and Braya Renewable Fuels (Braya) are developing a multi-phased, integrated project under the entity Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Ltd. (the Project / Toqlukuti'k). The Project will harness wind energy to provide green hydrogen to meet the needs of the Braya Come By Chance Refinery and for global export.

In March 2023, ABO Energy received an exclusive letter of support from Braya for the joint development of green hydrogen production at the refinery. The Project will also produce green ammonia for export to the global market.

The name Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen was determined together with Miawpukek First Nation and originates from the traditional Mi’kmaq language of the Miawpukek First Nation, meaning “working together” (pronounced ‘dok-loo-gu-tik’), a reference to our partnerships with Miawpukek First Nation and Braya.

Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen will be constructed in relative proximity to Braya Renewables’ Come By Chance refinery, including areas around the Avalon Isthmus, that were included as part of the Crown Land nomination areas for wind development. 

Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project


A multi-phased Project

About ABO Energy

ABO Energy Canada

ABO Energy Canada Ltd. is a subsidiary of ABO Energy KGaA and was founded in 2017, with the first Canadian office in Calgary. ABO Energy Canada developed Canada’s largest wind development to date, the 515 MW Buffalo Plains Wind Farm in Alberta.

In 2022, ABO Energy Canada opened an office in Halifax. In 2023, with the advancement of proposed activities in Newfoundland and Labrador, ABO Energy saw the need to create a foundation in the community and established a co-working office location in St. John’s. ABO Energy Canada is eager to establish additional local presence in the Project vicinity as Project development continues. 

ABO Energy KGaA

ABO Energy KGaA successfully develops and builds wind and solar farms as well as battery storage and hydrogen projects. Founded in 1996, the Germany-based company has realised more than 5,000 megawatts of capacity to date and has also constructed half of them. The company’s annual investment amounts to 500 million euros. More than 1,200 employees in 16 countries work with enthusiasm on the planning, financing, construction, operational management, and maintenance of plants for a sustainable energy supply.

Partnerships and Community Engagement

ABO Energy is committed to transparent, meaningful, and ongoing Indigenous, community, and stakeholder engagement. We have had ongoing discussions with local community stakeholders in the Project’s area of interest and will continue to build upon these relationships and expand our stakeholder reach to ensure authentic collaboration and cooperation from all relevant groups and individuals.

ABO Energy Canada signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Miawpukek First Nation and has received numerous letters of support from communities as part of our Crown Land bid submission for Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Ltd.

Great Seal of Miawpukek First Nation

Information Sessions and additional community meetings will occur soon to provide ample opportunity for local feedback and information sharing early in the development of the Project. Community engagement and local feedback will be ongoing through all phases of the Project, including planning, construction, operation, and eventual decommissioning.

A focus on local involvement and opportunities

ABO Energy Canada has a local economic development policy and believes that communities in proximity to our projects should receive preferential attention and access to business and employment opportunities. It is our intent to maximize economic benefits for communities and their residents and promote long-term commercial growth through access to goods and service contracts, capacity training, and employment.

Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Ltd. is expected to provide sizable local job and procurement opportunities. Stay tuned for more information about supplier information sessions and future procurement and employment opportunities with the Project.

Community Liaison Committee (CLC)

ABO Energy is aiming to form the Toqlukuti’k Community Liaison Committee (CLC) to act as an advisory body to ABO Energy for the Project. This is a voluntary role that provides CLC members with a regular opportunity to share input, guidance, community views, issues, and concerns with respect to the project plan and activities. It is anticipated that the CLC will meet quarterly or as needed.

Members of the CLC :

A well structured CLC is one with a balanced membership and broad representation, including ABO Energy staff representatives, residents/property owners located near the Project, local businesses, municipal elected officials (or their representatives), First Nations, and community or environmental groups. If you are interested in joining the CLC for the Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen project, please contact Please tell us a little bit about yourself and outline your primary reason to want to join the CLC. The ABO Energy team looks forward to hearing from you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Project and Purpose 

What is the purpose of this Project? 

The Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project, (The Project), is a major renewable energy project in Newfoundland and Labrador, powered by the province’s world-class wind.

Located in the vicinity of the Isthmus of Avalon, ABO Energy is working with our partners Miawpukek First Nation (MFN) and Braya Renewable Fuels (Braya) to develop this multi-phased, integrated project that will harness wind energy, using wind turbines, to produce renewable energy.

The Project is being developed in a phased approach, with the first phase involving the development of up to 700-megawatts of power to further decarbonize the production of Braya’s refinery in Come By Chance. Later phases beginning in 2028 are anticipated to scale up production to a total of 5000-megawatts (MW) / 5-gigawatts) to also produce green ammonia for export to the global market.

The name Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen was determined together with Miawpukek First Nation and originates from the traditional Mi’kmaq language of the Miawpukek First Nation, meaning “working together” (pronounced ‘dok-loo-gu-tik’), a reference to our partnerships with MFN and Braya.

  • In March 2023, ABO Energy received an exclusive letter of support from Braya for the joint development of green hydrogen production at the refinery.
  • In August 2023,  ABO Energy was awarded the exclusive right to pursue development of The Project through the Province’s Crown Land Call for Bids for Wind Energy Projects.
What infrastructure will need to be built for this Project? 

There is a variety of key components that the Project infrastructure could include, broken down into the Wind and Hydrogen facilities. Infrastructure associated with the Hydrogen Facility would be located on-site or within close proximity to the existing Come By Chance refinery. Infrastructure associated with the Wind Farm would be located on Crown Lands in the Isthmus region.

Hydrogen Facilities

  • Hydrogen Production Facilities including Electrolyzers
  • Hydrogen storage facilities
  • (Future Expansions) Ammonia Production facilities
  • Ammonia storage facilities
  • Ammonia export facilities

Wind Facilities

  • Wind turbines
  • Measurement Equipment
  • Access roads
  • Electrical transmission lines
  • Collector lines
  • Substations
  • Operations and Maintenance Facilities
Why choose this location for the Project?

ABO Energy bid on selected areas of Crown land included in the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador’s Crown Lands Call for Bids for Wind Energy Projects.

Newfoundland and Labrador itself is competing in a global marketplace to secure a share of the green hydrogen market and has several strategic advantages to lead the way including, but not limited to:

  • world class wind resources,
  • deep water ports,
  • skilled labour, 
  • strategic location to Europe on the eastern seaboard of North America and
  • existing infrastructure, knowledge, and experience at the Braya Come By Chance refinery.

Beginning in the first phase of the Project, wind energy will be harnessed to provide green hydrogen to meet the needs of the Come By Chance Refinery, and as such, is being developed in the region near the refinery.

In March 2023, ABO Energy received an exclusive letter of support from Braya Renewable Fuels for the joint development of green hydrogen production at the refinery, helping to ensure job security for the approximately 300 permanent refinery workers.

Potential turbine sites are selected based on a variety of criteria including wind speed and pattern; access to transmission infrastructure; access and constructability of turbine components; setbacks from environmentally sensitive areas, homes, and other features such as local trails. The Project will incorporate setbacks (turbine distances to residences, roads, etc.). Local feedback will be incorporated into our planning where feasible.

What is the life expectancy of the Project? 

The lifecycle of a wind turbine is typically 20-30 years with the possibility of an extension through repowering. The expected life of a hydrogen electrolyzer’s stack components is 6-10 years before requiring replacement. These stacks would be replaced consistently throughout the life of the rest of the project.

Where will the transmission lines be sited? 

At this time transmission routes have yet to be determined. As we gain more information about the area from technical studies and local consultation, our technical team adjusts the proposed Project layout and route of transmission lines. ABO Energy is committed to keeping the local communities up to date on developments with respect to the Project layout and location of transmission lines.


Construction, Timeline, Suppliers and Labour 

When will construction begin, and when will the Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project be operational?

Pending regulatory approval, the current schedule has construction slated to begin in late 2025 for the Phase 1 portion of the Project. The first commercial operation date (COD) of Phase 1 is early 2027. The current schedule considers project specific permitting requirements and construction conditions, equipment lead times and represents a realistic development and construction timeline. As with any major development, the schedule may be modified to accommodate unexpected circumstances. 

I have a company and want to get involved with this Project. How do I get more information and sign up to be a supplier? 

If you are a vendor interested in providing your goods and/or services to ABO Energy Canada Ltd. we ask that you submit your company information via our ‘Supplier Registration Form’ located here (portal link is also accessible by scrolling to the bottom of this webpage). Additional questions related to supplier opportunities with Project Toqlukuti’k can be directed to

Where and when can I apply for jobs associated with the Project? 

Inquiries related to employment opportunities on Project Toqlukuti’k or resumes can be directed to Specific employment opportunities with ABO Energy, including those related to the Project will be posted on Career Beacon as opportunities arise. 

Are you hiring local workers and suppliers? 

ABO Energy Canada believes that communities in proximity to our Project should receive preferential attention and access to business and employment opportunities. We have already begun work with local service providers.

We are guided by our Local Economic Development Policy to provide full and fair opportunity to the local labour force and vendors and suppliers. It is our intent to maximize economic benefits for communities and their residents and promote long-term commercial growth through access to goods and service contracts, capacity training, and employment.

Local experience and knowledge are also a key component of our supplier selection criteria, and this criteria will be employed in all future Requests for Proposals related to this Project. 

Will there be a local office and staff? 

In 2023, ABO Energy decided to open an office in St. John’s to act as a home base for the ABO Energy team’s operations in the province and to support the development activity.

ABO Energy has initiated a system of rotating offices throughout the region. Each month during the spring and summer (and anticipated going forward), the Project team has designated office locations in communities in the region. Area residents who have questions are welcome to drop in to discuss. Dates and locations are advertised through municipalities and their social media, posters (when possible), the Project e-newsletter, and posted on the Project website.

How many jobs will be associated with the Project? 

Based on the initial calculations, we anticipate the Project to create approximately 5500 jobs including construction (large percentage of work and for approximately 8-10 years) and Operations & Maintenance (long-term). We anticipate 400-500 long-term permanent jobs for the Project, including maintenance and technicians involved with the hydrogen/ammonia plant and port operations. The Project will also help to ensure job security for the approximately 230 permanent refinery workers.



What community outreach has been done to-date, and what are you planning in the future to keep local communities and stakeholder groups informed?

To date ABO Energy team members have visited the area on many occasions to connect with and developed relationships with area residents, various stakeholders including local municipal councils, organizations such as local Chambers of Commerce, industry organizations such as econext and Energy NL, local tourism operators, and local not-for-profits.

ABO Energy is continuing to build relationships, listen to feedback and remain transparent through further meetings, information sessions, and through a Community Liaison Committee. ABO Energy is committed to ongoing engagement and sharing up-to-date information with stakeholders and local communities through the life of the Project.

Does ABO Energy have an MOU (or other level of partnership) with First Nations group? 

ABO Energy is committed to transparent, meaningful, and ongoing Indigenous engagement and has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Miawpukek First Nation.

How can I provide feedback on the Project? 

ABO Energy welcomes all feedback on the Project. These communications should be directed to

How will the Project benefit our communities?

ABO Energy is guided by our Local Economic Development Policy to provide full and fair opportunity to the local labour force and vendors and suppliers. It is ABO Energy’s intent to maximize economic benefits for communities and their residents and promote long-term commercial growth through access to goods and service contracts, capacity training, and employment.

ABO Energy has already engaged with and provided a donation to a local not-for-profit and looks forward to further community investment opportunities in the region. 



How can we be assured this Project is following proper environmental standards and protocols to protect the local environment?

Like any infrastructure project in Newfoundland and Labrador, Project Toqlukuti’k will be subject to an environmental assessment registration. ABO Energy has retained a local environmental consultant and completed desktop studies of environmental features in the areas of interest prior to beginning field work. We are also working closely with the Department of Environment and Climate Change to mitigate the project’s impact on the environment.

What environmental studies have been conducted to date, and what else will be studied?

Desktop studies were already conducted for all areas of interest, but field studies began within the Phase 1 areas of interest in June 2023. These studies will mainly focus on wildlife populations, with the remaining prescribed studies including wetlands and botany being carried out throughout the rest of the year and 2024. Together with ABO Energy’s Project partner, Miawpukek First Nation, a Traditional Land Use Study is also being conducted.

Has an Environmental Assessment Registration been made? What stage is it at?

Currently, environmental field studies are in progress within the Phase 1 areas of interest and consultation within the local communities is ongoing. This is in anticipation of the Environmental Assessment Registration for the first phase being submitted in Q3 of 2025.

Will the Project have any impacts on wildlife and birds or other aspects of the local environment?

ABO Energy has worked through a diligent environmental constraints analysis during the site selection process to mitigate risk of any impacts to local wildlife. Robust environmental studies will be completed during the Environmental Assessment process to develop an understanding of habitat conditions as well as the birds and wildlife utilizing the site. Results of the studies will be used to develop innovative and effective mitigation strategies specific for the local area and wildlife. We will work closely with our environmental consultants and regulators throughout the Environmental Assessment process to reduce impact on the local environment.

When and what are you submitting? What is involved in the environmental, regulatory, and permitting process?

The primary regulatory requirements are dependent on the Project's jurisdiction including federal, provincial, and municipal permits and approvals. Each permit or approval will have their own regulatory requirements that may range from public consultation, environmental field studies, noise and shadow assessments to help demonstrate the Project is planned in a manner with the least potential impacts and can be built and operated in a sustainable manner. The most significant permit for this Project is the provincial Environmental Assessment Registration. ABO Energy is working with a local environmental consultant to complete the registration documents and associated fieldwork for this project. We have also regularly consulted with the Province’s Department of Environment and Climate Change on field work plans and document drafts, which will continue throughout the permitting process.


Wind Turbines

How large are the wind turbines?

ABO Energy will decide on a wind turbine model later in the development stages. However, the average hub height of the machines being assessed is 120m with a blade length of 80m, resulting in a tip height of approximately 200m.

Will the wind turbines create much noise?

In the absence of existing provincial regulations, we will follow best practices for noise regulations from other regions in Canada. We will strive to remain below 40dB as required in other provinces. Wind turbines generate noise at a level between 35-45 dB or as noted above equivalent to a quiet whisper. Modern wind turbines are much quieter than 1st generation turbines of 20 years ago.

Is wind energy sustainable?

Several studies have confirmed that wind turbines will offset the CO2 emitted during their manufacture and installation, typically during the first 7 to 9 months of operation. Taking into account the energy required for manufacture, installation, and eventual decommissioning, wind turbines produce significantly less CO2 per megawatt of electricity than fossil fuel-based generation.

Why are the turbines not being considered for open water?

Although offshore wind turbines are being developed in many parts of the world, ABO Energy's expertise is in the development of onshore wind. There is currently a Regional Assessment for Offshore Wind Development ongoing within the Atlantic Canadian region, but at this time development of offshore wind in the Atlantic provinces is not regulated. ABO Energy does not plan to build offshore turbines for this Project. 

What type of road access is needed for wind turbines?

An approximately 5-meter-wide access road is maintained for the life of the project. An approximately 12-meter-wide access road would be used for the construction phase and restored to a 5-meter-wide access road for the life of the Project.

What sized area is needed for the footprint of a wind turbine?

Approximately 100 square meters of land will be required for each turbine and associated infrastructure.

Why can’t you paint one of the blades black? Why do they all have to be white?

A Norwegian study has shown that painting one turbine blade black can reduce collisions with birds, however we must abide by colouring and lighting specifications from Transport Canada.

Are there any health concerns associated with turbines?

We respect that some individuals may have concerns regarding health. The Project will be designed to meet or exceed all provincial regulations and guidelines currently in place to protect human health.

Health Canada with Statistics Canada and other external experts conducted a Community Noise and Health Study. The results released in 2014 indicated that wind turbine noise was not linked to self-reported medical illnesses and health conditions. 

What happens to the turbines and associated infrastructure at the Project’s end of life?

When it comes to the end of life for a wind project there are two options: decommissioning and repowering. 

Repowering: The ability to repower a site hinges on a few key considerations, such as the health of the foundations and other components on the site, the economics of the power being generated at the site, and the new technology available. Repowering a site prolongs the life of the project and helps to postpone the need for new project development (Canadian Renewable Energy Association, 2023).

Decommissioning: Due to economics, regular wear and tear or other factors, it may be necessary to remove the project and return the land to its equivalent original state. Decommissioning consists of dismantling the site by extracting the recyclable materials like steel, concrete and glass, and properly disposing of any other components in compliance with local requirements (Canadian Renewable Energy Association, 2023).

Wind Turbines: The main components of a wind turbine that can be recycled, repurposed, or salvaged include: Steel tower sections, steel reinforcement, electrical equipment and cables, precious metals, and concrete. Other materials or pieces of equipment that cannot be recycled, repurposed or salvaged will be disposed of according to local/provincial regulations. 


Green Hydrogen Facility and Export

What is Green Hydrogen and what makes it “Green"?

Different colours of hydrogen are defined depending on how the hydrogen is produced, though the colour of the actual hydrogen molecule does not change. There are several common production methods and corresponding colour designations of hydrogen. The colour designations are based on the different effects on the environment that result from the various processes.

Green hydrogen is hydrogen that is produced by splitting water using an electrolyzer. The electricity for the electrolyzer must be generated from renewable sources, such as wind, PV power, or hydropower, if the resulting hydrogen is to be labeled green. This ensures that no CO2, or other environmentally harmful by-products, are released during hydrogen production.

What makes Green Hydrogen the solution to Europe’s energy problems?

Green hydrogen is one of the key elements for Europe to reach its climate target and to ensure energy security. Green hydrogen can be a solution to Europe’s energy problems for several reasons, including its carbon-free nature, ability to be stored for a longer time and distributed, and its versatility in uses. After being transformed into its derivatives such as ammonia, it can be easily exported all over the world for use in industrial processes, heating, electricity, and automotive or other transportation use.

Why does the hydrogen have to be turned into ammonia to export it?

It is possible to transport hydrogen as a compressed gas or liquid. However, compared to hydrogen, ammonia has several decisive advantages in terms of long-distance transport. Characteristics including high energy density and ease of liquefaction allow it to be used in existing plants, transportation, and terminal facilities. Furthermore, if needed, ammonia can be converted to pure hydrogen on demand on the import side, without carbon emissions. Moreover, it has already been produced on a large-scale industrial application; therefore, handling and transport of ammonia is well known.


About ABO Energy

What experience has readied ABO Energy to construct this Project?

Together, ABO Energy KGaA and ABO Energy Canada have extensive experience and dedication to hydrogen and renewable energy projects.

  • 26+ years’ experience
  • 5 GW developed and sold
  • 5 billion € investment volume
  • 4 million MWh power generation
  • 20 GW Wind/Solar/Battery pipeline + 15 GW hydrogen projects
  • +1000 employees globally
  • A growing team of professionals in Canada supported by ABO Energy's global team of technical and financial experts in Germany
  • Active Project Development in Atlantic Canada since 2021
Where is ABO Energy currently located and will there be a local office?

ABO Energy Canada currently has offices in St. John's, Halifax and Calgary. We also have a local presence through scheduled mobile community offices in the Project region on a monthly basis (upcoming dates and locations are provided under the "News" section of our website).


Additional FAQs from Energy NL

For more information about wind and hydrogen in Newfoundland and Labrador, visit Energy NL’s Wind at our backs Frequently Asked Questions.

Glossary of Terms


A device that uses electricity to split water molecules into seperate hydrogen and oxygen molecules through a process called electrolysis. 

Grey Hydrogen

Hydrogen that is produced through the use of carbon-based energy sources such as natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming, without carbon capture and storage. 

Blue Hydrogen

Hydrogen that is produced through the use of carbon-based energy sources such as natural gas through a process called steam methane reforming, with carbon capture and storage. 

Phase 1 Area of Interest 

The identified Crown Land Areas of Interest that would include the first wind developments of the Project in the Come By Chance and Chance Cove regions. 


What questions do you have about the Toqlukuti’k Wind and Hydrogen Project? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone Number *
Email Address *
Postal Address *

Your question:

Vendors and Suppliers

If you are a Vendor interested in providing your goods and/or services to ABO Energy Canada Ltd. we ask that you submit your company information via our ‘Supplier Registration Form’ located here: 


General Inquiries



Employment Inquiries

Specific employment opportunities with ABO Energy will be posted on Career Beacon as opportunities arise. 

Media Inquiries

Heidi Kirby

Tel. +1 (902) 329-9907

News The Project About ABO Energy Partnerships and Community Engagement Q&A Glossary of Terms Vendors and Suppliers Contact