(Stephenville, 23 August 2022) On the occasion of a meeting with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Pabineau First Nation and renewable project developers, ABO Wind and Community Wind, have signed a ground-breaking agreement. Together, the three partners plan to initiate the powering and production of green hydrogen in the province of New Brunswick. The electricity for the large-scale hydrogen development will need approximately four gigawatts of power to enable production of up to 300,000 tonnes of hydrogen annually.
The project could supply the region with renewable power and green hydrogen in a reliable, climate- and eco-friendly way. The concept envisions the export of ammonia by converting hydrogen. The export of climate-friendly energy can secure long-term revenue and combat climate change far beyond provincial borders. "As stewards of Mother Earth we are excited about the journey toward clean energy and embarking on that journey with like-minded proponents such as ABO Wind," emphasises Chief Richardson of Pabineau First Nation. "We will support the projects to the best of our ability." The development partners welcome other First Nations to participate in the projects.
The projects fit into the strategies of both the Canadian and the German governments to alleviate dependence on fossil fuels and to counteract the progressive global warming by building an internationally connected hydrogen economy. During their visit to Stephenville in the Canadian province of Newfoundland today, leading representatives of the governments enquired about current hydrogen projects in Canada, which can also contribute to securing Europe's energy supply in the long term. ABO Wind presented several projects the company is working on in Canada.
ABO Wind Managing Director Dr. Karsten Schlageter reported that ABO has “very good experiences with First Nations in Canada, signing Relationship Agreements to work collaboratively together for renewable energy development." Bill McLean of Community Wind particularly emphasised the economic benefits to be created. "We are proud to be part of this ground-breaking project.”
Community Wind is corporated in Nova Scotia, Canada focused on developing renewable energy projects in Atlantic Canada. President Bill MacLean has a varied extended background of renewable energy project management.
Contact: Bill Maclean, Community Wind, Canada, 1-902-222-9810, bill@communitywind.ca
About Pabineau First Nation
Pabineau First Nation – Oinpegitjoig L’Noeigati (PFN) has a focus to lead a nation to greatness through opportunity, education, empowerment, and teamwork. PFN is a small Mi’gmaq community situated approximately 8 kilometers south of the City of Bathurst, New Brunswick, with 345 registered band members and a land base of 1,053 acres.
Contact: James Richardson Councillor Economic Development Pabineau, Canada, 613-262-1521, ros80cor@outlook.com