The planning application was referred to Public Inquiry by former Minister Nicola Mallon in March 2022. Unfortunately, an Inquiry programme is yet to be provided by the Planning Appeals Commission.
ABO Wind has taken the opportunity to review the scheme in light of technological advances and comments from stakeholders and as such revised the scheme to include a small increase in overall tip height and reduction of the scheme by two turbines. Further Environmental Information considering the revision in the form of a consolidated ES has been submitted to DfI. DfI will now consult upon the information prior to reaching a decision on the application.
Following a request from DfI, Further Environmental Information has now been submitted to DfI for consultation and consideration. DfI will now consult upon the information prior to reaching a decision on the application. A hard copy of the the submitted information can be viewed at Rathfriland Library, 12 John Street, Rathfriland, BT34 5QH. If you are interested in further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
Subsequent to the ongoing consideration of the planning application by DfI, an ES Addendum and Further Environmental Information has been submitted to DfI for consideration. This information was submitted in response to queries from consultees and further to a Regulation 23 request for further information. Notably, the scheme has been amended to remove 2 of the twelve turbines proposed as part of the original application and this information serves to address the amendment.
DfI will now consult upon the information prior to reaching a decision on the application. A hard copy of the ES Addendum and Further Environmental Information can be viewed at Rathfriland Library, 12 John Street, Rathfriland, BT34 5QH. If you are interested in further information please do not hesitate to contact us.
The application site is located approximately 11 kilometres east/south east of Newry and 3km to the south west of Hilltown in Co. Down in the townlands of Gruggandoo and Mullaghgarve. The closest settlement to the site is Hilltown with the majority of dwellings in the area located along the Rostrevor Road and with some dotted along the Mullaghgarrif Road and Lower Knockbarragh Road.
The proposed scheme would have an installed capacity of 39.6MW, comprising 12 turbines, each with a maximum blade tip height of 125m and a hub height of 75m. Access to the site will be taken from Mullgahgarriff Road for all turbines.
The proposal was developed following a long period of Environmental Impact Assessment, including a Public Exhibition and discussions with local representatives, culminating in the submission of a planning application in 30th March 2015 accompanied by a full Environmental Statement.
This project supports National and EU objectives for promoting renewable energy development and achieving the Northern Ireland target of 40% of electricity supply to be generated from renewable sources by 2020.
With an installed capacity of 39.6MW, the Gruggandoo Wind Farm proposal could generate 124.88 million kwh of clean, green electricity per year, enough to supply approximately 29,948 homes and reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 53,700 tonnes. This saving is equivalent to taking approximately 40,514 cars off the road.
Additionally, ABO Energy Northern Ireland Ltd is dedicated to ensuring that its wind farms contribute directly to local communities therefore a Community Fund will be established for the entire lifetime of the wind farm development.
The planning application and related documents and correspondence are available to view on the DOE Planning Public Access website. A hard copy of the Environmental Statement can be viewed at Rathfriland Library, 12 John Street, Rathfriland, BT34 5QH. If you are interested in further information please contact us at:
ABO Energy Northern Ireland Ltd.
Unit 1 Wallace Studios
Wallace Avenue
BT27 4AE
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9099 6445
Email: ni(at)