Prairie Windfields Wind Farm

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ABO Energy is proposing to build a wind power project in your area. The project named "Prairie Windfields Wind Farm" was originally planned in partnership with Rocky Mountain Power, however moving forward will be continued under the sole ownership of ABO Energy. The project is planned as a 200 MW facility (with the possibility of an additional 200 MWs of generating capacity) in the RM of Morse near Reed Lake. The community will benefit from tax revenues, additional income, job opportunities, and a clean energy supply.

Current status
Permitting process


June 11th 2019: Second Open House

Prairie WindFields Corporation (PWC) held its second open house on June 11th 2019, to keep the local community, first nations, government and non-government organizations informed of the developments since the first open house.

The open house received 15 interested parties from the local community. PWC will continue to engage stakeholders throughout the development of the facility.

All the information provided at the open house is available online, for any additional information please feel free to reach out to our team.

June 21st 2018: Open House

Prairie WindFields Corporation held its first open house on June 21st 2018. The Open House attracted 18 interested parties and overall the feedback was very positive.

Community members viewed the economic benefits as a major asset of this proposed Wind Farm. Indeed this project will create up to 300 jobs during the construction phase and between 8 and 12 permanent jobs during operations.

All the information provided during the open house is now available online, for additional information please feel free to reach out to our team.


Project information

Site Location

Currently the project covers approximately 14,000 acres of private land. The overall project layout and design is still under consideration and will be communicated to landowners, community and local government when the project progresses to a stage where layouts are considered in more detail. Substantial environmental field studies have been completed. The project is outside of the Ministry of Environment’s avoidance zone. The company has also gathered and analyzed over seven years of high quality wind data. (Yes, Morse is a windy area!).

>> Google Maps



Power Facility

Generating Capacity 200 MW
Number of Turbines 30-45
Estimated Hub Height 114-120 meters
Estimated Rotor Diameter 160 meters
Estimated Blade Tip Height 200 meters
Proposed Project Area 14,000 acres
Grid Connection with Transmission System New transmission line between Pasqua and Swift substation N.E. of Morse
Collector System between Turbines and Substation Underground in the project boundaries

(MW): A unit of bulk power 1,000 kilowatts

Generating Capacity: Based on maximum output on a per hour basis

Setbacks: The wind farm abides by all government required setbacks for wind
generation facilities and will be located outside of the Saskatchewan
Ministry of Energy Avoidance Zone

Compliances: The wind farm complies with all RM, Provincial, Federal environmental, noise, shadow flicker, technical and construction regulations

This information is based on preliminary design and is subject to change at the sole discretion of the project developers.










The project company Prairie Windfields Corporation (PWC) is 100% owned by ABO Energy. ABO Energy is a globally successful project developer for renewable energies with about 800 employees. Since 1996, the company has developed and sold wind energy, solar and biogas projects with a capacity of more than 3,600 megawatts and has also built around half of them.

We are currently working on the development of new projects with a total capacity of about fifteen gigawatts. These projects are located in 16 countries on four continents and exceed the capacity of four average nuclear power plants. Two thirds of the projects under development are wind projects and one third are solar projects. The Canadian subsidiary focuses on the development of wind energy and photovoltaic projects, and hybrid energy solutions.

Learn more: 


What questions do you have about Prairie Windfields Wind Farm? Please do not hesitate to contact us. 


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Residence (optional)
Email Address (optional)

Your question:

Frequent Questions

How will the RM of Morse benefit from the wind farm?

Prairie Windfields Wind Farm will contribute to the community:

  • Increased tax revenue to the RM of Morse
  • 80 - 320 temporary construction jobs
  • 8 - 12 permanent maintenance jobs
  • Infusion of $2 - 5 million in consumer spending such as hotels, food, retail within surrounding communities

Prairie WindFields Corporation has committed to contribute a portion of revenue of the electricity sales towards a community project. In the past, revenue from ABO Energy projects have funded a new kindergarten, playgrounds, hiking trails, tourist attractions etc.

How much space will the wind farm take up?

The project covers approximately 14,000 acres of private land. As little as one per cent of total acreage is needed for turbines and access roads. The remaining acreage is free for other uses, such as farming or ranching.

How does the project developer involve the community?

We have established innovative ways to provide additional economic benefits and support community partnerships (e.g., voluntary Community Benefits Program, Community Vibrancy Funds, implementation of educational tourism attractions).

Community Liaison Committees will be established to create a foundation for meaningful dialogue, while supporting an atmosphere of public trust and confidence between the wind energy developer and community.


Vendors and Suppliers

If you are a Vendor interested in providing your goods and/or services to ABO Energy Canada Ltd. we ask that you submit your company information via our ‘Supplier Registration Form’ located here: 


Dave Berrade

Dave Berrade

Tel. +1 (587) 576-5339

News Project information Schedule Photos Background Q&A Vendors and Suppliers Contact