Battery & Hybrid Energy Systems

Hybrid Energy Projects Stand-Alone Batteries Best Practice Examples Contact

ABO Energy develops and constructs stand-alone battery storage systems as well as hybrid energy systems that link battery storage with wind and/or solar plants. Batteries are an important building block of the energy transition, as they stabilise electricity grids and enable a faster expansion of renewable energies.


100 MW Constructed


1,000+ MW Under Development

Hybrid- and Stand-Alone-Projects

Hybrid- and

Flexible storage systems optimally complement renewable energy systems. In times of high electricity production (especially from renewable energies), they charge electricity and feed it back into the grid at times of high demand.

Pioneer for Battery Energy Storage

ABO Energy takes over all steps of project development and construction of battery energy storage systems (BESS) and works closely with landowners, municipalities, grid operators and renowned battery manufacturers. In Germany, ABO Energy is an industry leader in the so-called innovation tenders for hybrid projects awarded by the Federal Network Agency.

Hybrid Projects Combine Different Technologies

ABO Energy combines wind, solar and battery storage systems at one location. The generation profiles of wind and solar energy, for example, complement each other very well: In this way, the fluctuating electricity generation from renewable energies is stabilised and becomes more base-load capable. An additional battery storage system can decouple the timing of electricity generation from the feed-in to the grid. In this way, hybrid projects smooth out fluctuations in renewable energy generation and stabilise the electricity grid. ABO Energy is working at various locations around the world to implement hybrid energy projects.


Stand-Alone Batteries

ABO Energy has already developed and constructed several stand-alone batteries. Large battery storage units at grid nodes fulfil important functions in today's electricity grids: They charge electrical energy when there is a power surplus in the grid and feed it in when there is a shortage. For electricity grid operators, battery storage systems can also provide important electrical services for frequency and voltage maintenance. In this way, battery storage stabilises the electricity grid and makes an important contribution to supply and system security.

Video: Construction of a Stand-Alone Battery Energy Storage System

Advantages of Battery Storage

Best Practice Examples

Video: A View Inside Kells Battery Energy Storage System

Kells, Northern Ireland

50 MW / 25 MWh. Large stand-alone battery storage system for grid stabilisation

Commissioning: 2022

Press Release: ABO Wind commissions its first stand-alone battery storage system

Rechtenbach, Germany

Rechtenbach, Germany

16 MW / 16 MWh. Stand-Alone Battery for grid frequency stabilisation and for trading at intraday market.

Commissioning: 2023

Gumpen, Germany

Gumpen, Germany

1.5 / 1.5 MWh. Hybrid project comprising photovoltaic plant (3.8 MWp) and battery storage system.

Commissioning: 2023

Wahlheim, Germany

Wahlheim, Germany

0.5 MW / 0.5 MWh: Hybrid project comprising photovoltaic plant and battery storage system. Joint use of cable routes of adjacent wind turbine.

Commissioning: 2022

Press Release: First hybrid energy projects commissioned by ABO Wind

Wiesbaden, Germany

Wiesbaden, Germany

At the ABO Energy headquarters in Wiesbaden, we implemented a micro-grid consisting of photovoltaic modules, battery storage and electric charging stations, which now supply the company fleet with green electricity.

Commissioning: 2021

Press Release: ABO Wind supplies its fleet with green electricity


Julia Badeda

Dr. Julia Badeda

Fax +49 611 267 65-599

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Hybrid Energy Projects Stand-Alone Batteries Best Practice Examples Contact