High-level delegation from Iran visits Uckley wind farm

Delegation from Iran

(Wiesbaden, January 26th, 2017) On Tuesday, an Iranian delegation of about 20 participants including Dr. Mohammad Ali Shafieizadeh, general director of the Ministry for Renewable Energies, visited Uckley wind farm, located southeast of Berlin. ABO Wind’s project manager Zacharias Hahn explained to the representatives of companies and ministries how the wind farm was developed and constructed. The ten turbines started operating in October of 2016 and will produce around 87 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year. That is the equivalent to the amount of electricity consumed by 67,000 people in their homes. This reduces the annually carbon dioxide emission by 60,000 tons. Edward Koenen, head of the international finance department of ABO Wind, welcomed the delegation afterwards in the town hall of the nearby town Königs Wusterhausen to present strategies for implementing the use of solar and wind energy in Iran. 

The country is very keen on promoting the use of sustainable energy. “The potential is enormous,” Koenen points out: “We have many ideas regarding wind as well as solar energy to strengthen the expansion of sustainable energy in Iran. We are looking forward to supporting the sustainable development in Iran with our expertise from more than two decades in the renewable industry.” According to the Iranian Energy Ministry, renewable energy plants with a capacity of only 350 megawatts have so far been connected to the grid in Iran. The government has set the ambitious goal to build an additional 4,500 megawatts of wind power capacity and 500 megawatts of solar energy capacity by 2018.

The German Federal Ministry of Economics supports the expansion of wind energy and solar power via German technology with the campaign renewables - made in Germany. “ABO Wind is one of the leading project developers in Germany. We are glad to have such an experienced partner to guide us through a state-of-the-art wind farm,” says Sameh Mahmoud from the agency Berlin Consult that organized the visit of the Iranian delegation in Germany.

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Dr. Daniel Duben

Dr. Daniel Duben

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