Analysts raise price target for ABO Wind share


(Wiesbaden, 21 February 2020) Both analysts who study the ABO Wind share raised their price target for the share significantly and confirmed their buy recommendation in February.

Dr. Karsten von Blumenthal (First Berlin) raised his price target for the ABO Wind share on February 3 from EUR 22.50 to EUR 27. He justified the improved outlook with the successful internationalisation strategy, the realised capital increase and the intended admission to Xetra trading, among other things.

Today Guido Hoymann (Metzler Capital Markets) published his new price target of EUR 29. He explained the increase from the previous EUR 23.70 mainly by the company's successes in Germany reported the previous day. The fact that ABO Wind won the first tariff tender for wind energy of the year with 41.1 megawatts and obtained approval for a further nine megawatts is remarkable and demonstrates the strength of the company in its home market as well.

The analysts' current and previous studies are available on the company's website.


Alexander Koffka

Alexander Koffka

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