(Wiesbaden, 11 December 2024) The results of this year's fourth and final tariff tender for wind energy projects announced today by the German Federal Network Agency crown a record year for ABO Energy: The Wiesbaden-based company's wind planners operating in Germany are pleased to have been awarded another four tariffs. The successful teams have secured tariffs for the wind farms Öhringen-Karlsfurtebene (Baden-Württemberg, five turbines, 24 megawatts), Himmighofen-Kasdorf (Rhineland-Palatinate, four turbines, 16.8 megawatts), Marpingen (Saarland, two turbines, 12 megawatts) and Nonnenholz (Baden-Württemberg, one turbine, 6.2 megawatts).
These wind farms are now ready to be implemented and will contribute to a climate-friendly energy supply from 2026. In total, the Federal Network Agency accepted 348 bids with a total output of 4.1 gigawatts in the fourth round of tendering. A total of 6.1 gigawatts had applied for tariffs. The tender was thus oversubscribed by 50 percent. The average award value of 7.15 cents per kilowatt hour was slightly lower than in the previous tender (7.33 cents). This development reflects the increased competition thanks to the growing number of permits.
In total, ABO Energy has secured tariffs for around 200 megawatts of wind energy capacity in Germany in 2024. This corresponds to an increase of around 30 percent compared to the previous year. The total of permits is even more impressive. With some permits yet to be expected at the end of the year, more than 300 megawatts of German wind energy capacity are likely to be approved in 2024. This represents almost a doubling compared to the previous record year of 2023 and almost a tripling compared to 2022.
"In addition to the great commitment of our teams, the amendments to planning and permitting law at a European and German level have contributed significantly to this outstanding success," says Dr. Thomas Treiling, Managing Director responsible for wind energy planning in Germany. The German wind market is the stable backbone for ABO Energy's expected profit growth in the coming years. "I am confident that the next federal government will also take advantage of the opportunities presented by the renewed expansion of wind energy," says Treiling. "In this way, we are securing a long-term, secure and inexpensive energy supply for Germany and are strengthening the economy."