Facts & Figures

Founding Year 1996
Type of Company Stock corporation (ISIN: DE0005760029)
Core Business  Development and construction of renewable energy projects
Number of Employees > 1,200
Projects developed and sold 5.9 GW
Of which also built 2.7 GW
Sales Revenue in 2023 300 million euros
Total Turnover in 2023
(sales revenue plus increase in inventory)
396 million euros
Equity Capital 199 million euros as at 30.6.2024
Current Development Pipeline ca. 25 GW with grid connection, in addition 20 GW for green hydrogen
Annual Electricity Generation of Installed Plants > 5 billion kilowatt hours
Annually Avoided CO2 Emissions > 2 million tonnes


Wind, Solar and Storage Development Pipeline

Country Phase I 1)Sites secured, permit in progress Phase II 2)Permit achieved, approaching construction phase Phase III 3)Implementation underway Total
Work in progress, development,
figures as at 30.06.2024, in T€
Germany 3,950 150 300 4,400 65,792
France 1,360 170 70 1,600 43,373
Finland 5,200 100 0 5,300 29,863
United Kingdom 380 370 0 750 15,285
Canada 1,200 0 0 1,200 12,453
South Africa 2,500 3,000 0 5,500 12,132
Colombia 280 500 20 800 8,058
Greece 300 700 0 1,000 7,785
Argentina 600 700 0 1,300 7,410
Spain 625 425 100 1,150 7,148
Ireland 490 60 0 550 7,011
Poland 780 20 0 800 2,758
Netherlands 60 40 0 100 1,732
Hungary 110 0 90 200 1,583
Tunisia 140 10 0 150 1,268
Total 17,975 6,245 580 24,800 223,651


1) Sites secured, permit in progress
2) Permit achieved, approaching construction phase
3) Implementation underway 
List includes projects whose rights have been sold, provided ABO Energy continues to profit via milestone payments. As of August 2024



Alexander Koffka

Alexander Koffka

Tel. +49 611 267 65-515
Fax +49 611 267 65-599

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