Armoy Wind Farm

Current status
Permitting process


ABO Energy has taken the opportunity to review the previous scheme and conclusions of the Planning Appeals Commission in January 2020 and are currently progressing an environmental impact assessment for a new reduced scheme of 5no. turbines.

A Pre-Application Notice (PAN) was submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council on 09 March 2022. The PAN notifies the Council that a formal planning application will be submitted are the required 12 week statutory notice period expires. The PAN was accepted by the Council on 06 April 2022. As part of the PAN process an online community consultation was held from 27th May 2022 to 10th June 2022. Feedback received during the consultation period will be taken into consideration in finalising the proposed development. 

News Update January 2023

A planning application and accompanying Environmental Statement was submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in December 2022.

The new proposed scheme would have an installed capacity of between 18MW and 25MW depending on final turbine selected for installation at the site. The proposed development comprises 5 turbines, each with a maximum blade tip height of 150m and a maximum hub height of 91.5m. The proposal also includes an Energy Storage Area. Access to the site will be taken from Coolkeeran Road for all turbines.

The planning application and related documents and correspondence are available to view on the Public Access Section of the Planning Portal website. A hard copy of the Environmental Statement can be viewed at Armoy Community Association, Main Street, Armoy. If you are interested in further information please contact us at: 

ABO Energy Northern Ireland Ltd.
Unit 1 Wallace Studios
Wallace Avenue
BT27 4AE
Phone: +44 (0) 28 9099 6445
Email: ni(at)

News Update August 2022

ABO Wind has taken the opportunity to review the previous scheme and conclusions of the Planning Appeals Commission in January 2020 and are currently progressing an Environmental Impact Assessment for a new reduced scheme of 5no. turbines.

A Pre-Application Notice (PAN) was submitted to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council on 9 March 2022. The PAN notifies the Council that a formal planning application will be submitted after the required 12-week statutory notice period expires. The PAN was accepted by the Council on 6 April 2022.

As part of the PAN process, an online community consultation was held from 27 May 2022 to 10 June 2022. Feedback received during the consultation period will be taken into consideration in finalising the proposed development. 

News Update January 2020

Planning permission for 6 turbines was refused by the Planning Appeals Commission in January 2020. We are very disappointed with the decision and are considering next steps.

News Update January 2019

Planning permission was refused by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council in November 2018.  We are very disappointed at the decision and following detailed consideration, we have submitted an appeal against the refusal to the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC).  We await a hearing date from the PAC.

The application site is located situated on the western slopes of Croaghan Hill located approximately 9 kilometres south west of Ballycastle and 2.5 kilometres to the south east of Armoy in Co. Antrim in the townlands of Kilcroagh and Carrowlaverty.

The proposed scheme would have an installed capacity of 19.8MW, comprising 6 turbines, each with a maximum blade tip height of 149.9m and a hub height of 100m. The proposal also includes an Energy Storage Area.  Access to the site will be taken from Coolkeeran Road for all turbines.

The proposal was developed following a long period of Environmental Impact Assessment, including a Public Exhibition and discussions with local representatives, culminating in the submission of a planning application on 22 December 2017 accompanied by a full Environmental Statement.  A separate planning application for 2 temporary meteorological masts has also been submitted the Council for consideration.

This project supports National and EU objectives for promoting renewable energy development and achieving the Northern Ireland target of 40% of electricity supply to be generated from renewable sources by 2020.

With an installed capacity of 19.8MW, the Armoy Wind Farm proposal could generate 84.9 million kwh of clean, green electricity per year, enough to supply approximately 27,412 homes (51% of all households in CCGC area) and reduce CO2 emissions by approximately 33,000 tonnes.  This saving is equivalent to taking approximately 21,460 cars off the road.

Additionally, ABO Energy Northern Ireland Ltd is dedicated to ensuring that its wind farms contribute directly to local communities therefore a Community Fund will be established for the entire lifetime of the wind farm development.

The planning application and related documents and correspondence are available to view on the Public Access Section of the Planning Portal website. A hard copy of the Environmental Statement can be viewed at Armoy Community Association, Main Street, Armoy. 



Patricia McGrath


Patricia McGrath
Tel. +44 7473 153307