Hartwood Wind Farm

Current status
Permitting process

News Update February 2021

We are continuing to look at options to bring the site forward and have recently secured a change of turbine amendment from North Lanarkshire Council. It is hoped we will be in a position to make further progress with the site soon. 

Planning Consent Issued

News Update 16th January 2018

Following agreement between ABO Wind and North Lanarkshire Council on the wording of planning conditions appropriate to secure the future decomissioning, restoration and after-care of the development site, DPEA has issued planning consent for Hartwood Wind Farm.

ABO Wind is now reviewing all engineering, environmental, technical and legal requirements as the first step towards delivering the wind farm in 2019.  We will keep stakeholders updated on progress once timescales for delivery of the project are firmed up.

In the meantime, all enquiries should be directed to hartwoodwindfarm(at)abo-wind.com

Step Forward for Hartwood Wind Farm

News Update 20th November 2017

On 25 October 2017 DPEA confirmed its intention to issue consent for the proposal subject to agreement on decommissioning and restoration matters.  The proposal comprises of seven turbines with a blade tip height of 126.5m and a generation capacity of up to 21 Megawatts. 

Hartwood Wind Farm could produce low carbon, renewable energy equivalent to the annual electricity needs of approximately 12,830 households for up to 25 years, with carbon savings of 876,709 tonnes of CO2 over the same period and a carbon pay-back time of 1.5-1.7 years.  Additionally, 91 hectares of lowland raised bog habitat will be restored making a major contribution to Scottish Biodiversity targets.

With onshore wind operating today in a much more challenging, subsidy free environment, we will now look to deliver the project, so that it can start to deliver its many and varied benefits.  We estimate that construction on site could commence in late 2018 with project completion in late 2019.

Planning Permission Appeal Submitted

News Update 6th February 2017

On 31 January 2017 ABO Wind submitted an appeal to the Planning and Environmental Appeals Division (DPEA) of the Scottish Government against the refusal of planning permission for our Hartwood Wind Farm proposal. The planning application was refused by North Lanarkshire Council’s (NLC) Planning and Transport Committee on 24 November 2016.

The planning application complied with all relevant technical and planning requirements and did not have any objections from statutory agencies, including the Scottish Natural Heritage, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, Historic Environment Scotland, and the Council’s own Landscape, Greenspace, Archaeology, Roads and Environmental Protection services.  Our proposals included a commitment for the landscape-scale restoration of the degraded Murdostoun Bog, an internationally important habitat, and one of the top 10 bog habitat restoration priorities of Forestry Commission Scotland (FCS). The bog restoration plans were welcomed and supported by SEPA, FCS and NLC Greenspace.

The appeal has been registered and assigned the reference number of PPA-320-2113. The appeal documents can be viewed on DPEA’s website at www.dpea.scotland.gov.uk, using the reference number in the 'Search Appeals' box.

Further Supplementary Environmental Information Submitted

News Update 10th December 2015

ABO Wind has submitted further Supplementary Environmental Information (SEI) as part of the Hartwood Wind Farm Planning Application and Environmental Statement. The SEI, which follows an earlier SEI submission in February 2015, contains further information on peat management, carbon balance, ecology, landscape and visual amenity and information on an amended forest design plan for Murdostoun Forest.

The SEI documents are available to view or download from North Lanarkshire Council’s ePlanning website using the link below (planning reference: 14/01699/FUL). Hard copies of the full set of submission documents are on display at North Lanarkshire Council Planning Department, Shotts Library and Newmains Library during normal opening hours, or can be purchased from ABO Wind.

Should you wish to make any formal representation to the Council regarding the Hartwood Wind Farm Planning Application, this should be directed to the Council either online at the Council's ePlanning website or by writing to North Lanarkshire Council Planning Department, Fleming House, 2 Tryst Road, Cumbernauld, G67 1JW.

North Lanarkshire Council e-planning website


Patricia McGrath


Patricia McGrath
Tel. +44 7473 153307