Lairg Wind Farm

Permitting process
Current status

ABO Wind UK’s first operational wind farm opened

ABO Wind UK officially opened Lairg Wind Farm on Thursday 20th of September 2012. During the morning session, one of Scotland’s leading experts in crofting law, Sir Crispian Agnew QC, performed the opening ceremony. In the afternoon, pupils from Lairg and Altnaharra primary school were invited onto the site along with the local community. Free transport was provided between Lairg and the site by local bus group Rapsons.

Walking tours around the three turbines were conducted throughout the day, with an engineer from ABO Wind explaining how the turbines work and giving visitors the opportunity to see inside a wind turbine tower.

The official opening coincided with the formal launch of the Lairg Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund. Created by ABO Wind in conjunction with the Scottish Community Foundation (SCF), it will distribute funds to support local community projects. For more information on the Lairg Wind Farm fund, please see use the following link:

The original planning application for Lairg Wind Farm was lodged in 2006 with construction starting in 2010. The wind farm began to generate electricity in January this year. Christian Wild, Head of UK Development, ABO Wind UK Ltd said: “ABO Wind is very proud to support the estate, the crofters and the wider Lairg community through this development. We look forward to working with all the involved parties over the lifetime of the wind farm.”

Please use the gallery section to view images taken throughout the day. Do let us know if you would like to have a high resolution version of any of these images and we will be happy to forward this on. 

Newsletter August 2012


Welcome to ABO Wind’s latest newsletter for our operational wind farm in Lairg. This issue has all the updates about the wind farm since the last newsletter in June 2011, including upcoming events and news about community benefits. Most importantly, this issue contains an open invitation to attend a special afternoon event being organised by ABO Wind to mark the official opening of the wind farm.

Turbines start turning after construction was completed this year

Construction finished at Lairg Wind Farm earlier this year, with all three turbines now connected to the grid and generating electricity.

Work on the site began late in 2010, with the construction of 3km of road and improvements to the access and the erection of the control building. The turbines were delivered and erected in Autumn 2011.

Lairg Wind Farm is situated on the common grazings of the Lairg Estate and as such it represents significant support to both the continuation and improvement of the estate, as well as the substantial crofting interest on the site. ABO Wind is very proud to support the crofters and the wider Lairg community throughout this development. We look forward to working with all the involved parties over the lifetime of the wind farm.

Lairg Wind Farm Key Facts
Size 3x 2.5MW Nordex Turbines
Height 99.5m to blade tip
Output 4.99MW
Location 3.5km SE of Lairg


Lairg Wind Farm Construction Dates
Sep 2006 Original application submitted
Sep 2010 Construction begins
Apr-May 2011 Construction halts for bird monitoring
Jan 2012 Lairg Wind Farm starts generating



Patricia McGrath


Patricia McGrath
Tel. +44 7473 153307