Knockroe Wind Farm

News Project information Background Q&A Contact
Permitting process
Current status

ABO Energy Ireland Limited are at an early stage of developing a wind farm proposal in your local area within the townlands of Knockroe, Kilnagranagh and Tullowcussaun, Co. Tipperary.


3rd June 2022: Further Information submitted to Tipperary County 

On 3rd December 2021, Tipperary County Council (TCC) issued a letter to ABO Wind requesting that further information be submitted in relation to the planning application for Knockroe Wind Farm.

On the 2nd June 2022, ABO Wind submitted the requested further information to TCC. The submitted Further Information is available to view at Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, in either Clonmel or Nenagh during their public opening hours.

An electronic copy of the Further Information can also be accessed via the Tipperary County Council planning portal, available at

The Planning Reference Number is: 211502 

18th October 2021: Planning application validated and publicly available

The planning application for Knockroe Wind Farm has now been submitted to and validated by Tipperary County Council.

The entire Planning Application Submission and Environmental Impact Assessment Report is now available to view at Tipperary County Council, Civic Offices, in either Clonmel or Nenagh during their public opening hours.

An electronic copy of all documentation can also be accessed via the Tipperary County Council planning portal, available at

The Planning Reference Number is: 211502

18 May 2021: Virtual Public Exhibition

ABO Wind Ireland Ltd. are delighted to invite you to our virtual public consultation for Knockroe Wind Farm.

Please click the link below where you will be directed to the virtual exhibition room.

The exhibition can be accessed anytime at your convenience up to the 15th June 2021 and contact details are provided to allow you to get in touch with us at a time that best suits you. Members of the project team will also be on hand to answer any questions you may have via a live chat function during the following times:

  • Tuesday 18th May 2021 18:00 – 20:00
  • Thursday 20th May 2021 18:00 – 20:00

We hope you find the exhibition useful and informative. 

7 May 2021: Invitation to Virtual Public Exhibition

ABO Wind Ireland Ltd. would like to invite you to our virtual public consultation where we display our proposals for Knockroe Wind Farm.


When: Tuesday 18th May 2021 

The interactive consultation will go live on Tuesday 18th May 2021 and can be accessed anytime at your convenience up to the 15th June 2021. It will give you the opportunity to view information pertaining to the proposed development and leave your feedback. Members of the project team will be on hand to answer any questions you may have during the following times:

The Project Team will be available:

  • Tuesday 18th May 2021 18:00 – 20:00
  • Thursday 20th May 2021 18:00 – 20:00

We look forward to welcoming you to the virtual public exhibition. 

March 2021: Knockroe Wind Farm Update

Please click this link, which will direct you to the latest project newsletter for the emerging Knockroe Wind Farm proposals.

Should you require any additional information on the project, please feel free to make contact with the Community Liaison Officer at a time of your convenience using the contact form provided at the bottom of this page. 

December 2020: Knockroe website goes live

This new website will keep interested residents informed about the development of our wind farm Knockroe. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions.


Project information

Site Location

Site Map

Site Boundary Map- Knockroe Property Boundary (Blue Line) And Wind Farm Site Boundary (Red Line)


View from a local road at Curraheen towards the Site to the East

View from a local road at Curraheen towards the Site to the East


The proposed wind farm site falls within the "Areas Open for Consideration" category in the Tipperary Wind Energy Strategy (April 2016) as set out in the South Tipperary County Development Plan 2009 (as varied). This means that wind farm developments in these areas may be considered appropriate subject to detailed environmental assessment and the principles of proper planning and sustainable development.

Over the past months, we have carried out some early stage feasibility and constraints studies in order to establish whether the Knockroe site would be a suitable location for a wind farm. These studies included a landscape and visual assessment, ornithology and ecology surveys, and an archaeology site walkover.

Following a detailed review of the findings, no problematic sensitivities were revealed, and we believe that the site has the capacity to accommodate approximately 8 wind turbines with a maximum overall height of between 150m-160m.

Environmental Impact Assessment Report and Planning Application

Over the coming months we will be carrying out more detailed environmental studies across the site including ecology/ornithology, geology and hydrology, landscape and visual, shadow flicker, noise, archaeology, traffic and transport, air quality, forestry, population and human health, and telecommunications in order to ensure that the proposed development will not have an adverse effect on the local environment or on people living in the area.

These studies will be compiled into an Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) which will be submitted along with a planning application to Tipperary County Council. We are targeting submitting the planning application and the EIAR in Quarter 2 2021.

Community Benefit Fund and Community Investment

If the project receives planning permission and is constructed, ABO Energy will set up a community benefit fund. This will benefit communities living closest to the wind farm. This fund can be tailored to meet the needs of the local community and we are happy to take on board any ideas or suggestions relating to the fund.




Why wind energy?

It is widely acknowledged that climate change is a very real threat to our society and that we must take immediate action to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. One of the key ways to do this, as identified by the Government's Climate Action Plan 2019, is to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels such as coal, peat and gas and increase the share of renewables providing us with our electricity from 40% in 2020 to 70% by 2030. In order to reach this target, the Climate Action Plan states that we require approximately 8GW of onshore wind to be installed. There is approximately 4GW of installed onshore wind capacity in Ireland.
Therefore, a significant increase in the amount of onshore wind is required to meet our climate change objectives. As Ireland's largest renewable electricity resource, onshore wind further brings the added benefit of being the cheapest form of electricity for consumers across the island.

Who are ABO Energy?

ABO Energy Ireland are based in Cornelscourt Co. Dublin. We develop, construct and operate wind farms in the Republic of Ireland. We currently have a number of wind farms in development across the country, one wind farm in construction in Co. Donegal, and four operational wind farms in counties Tipperary, Wexford and Laois.
We are part of the larger ABO Energy Group based in Germany who develop wind, solar and bioenergy projects in 16 countries across four continents.



What questions do you have about Knockroe Wind Farm? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone Number *
Email Address *
Postal Address *

Your question:


Gary Magee

Gary Magee
Tel. +353 1 289 08 45

News Project information Background Q&A Contact