Fox Meadows Wind

News Project information Schedule Photos Community Benefits Project Consultation Q&A In the Community Vendors and Suppliers Contact

ABO Wind is now

As of May 1st, 2024 ABO Wind Canada Ltd. became ABO Energy Canada Ltd. Our new name better captures the entirety of the clean energy projects we develop, demonstrating the value of working with ABO Energy. The name change will have no effect on the development of projects, with no changes to existing business relationships, obligations, agreements and contracts.

The Fox Meadows Wind Project (Fox Meadows/the Project) is a 165 MW wind project proposed by ABO Energy Canada Ltd. (ABO Energy).

We have recently formed Fox Meadows Wind Inc. (FMWI) a subsidiary 100% owned by ABO Energy KGaA (ABO Energy Canada Ltd.’s parent company), which will take ownership of the Project. Going forward, FMWI, will be the public facing entity for the Project and will be referenced in this and future documents.

The Project is located on privately-owned land between the Town of Provost and the Village of Edgerton and consists of up to 25 turbines. The Project layout design is guided by input from stakeholders, technical experts, the consideration of environmental constraints and municipal setbacks. In addition to the turbines and battery, the Project will include access roads, a transmission line, underground collector lines/system, a substation, and a meteorological tower.

Fox Meadows would provide a cost-effective source of enough clean energy for approximately 85,000 homes and will contribute to Alberta’s target of 30% renewable energy electricity generation by 2030. The Project would displace approximately 300,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent annually, which amounts to ~9.5 million tonnes of CO2 over 30 years. The Project area was selected due to favourable wind speeds, land topography, grid capacity and supportive landowners. A meteorological tower was erected in the summer of 2022 to confirm the wind resource in the region.

Not only will Fox Meadows facilitate the transition toward a lower carbon future, but it will also bring approximately 150 to 200 jobs to the region during the construction period and an estimated $70 million in goods and services contracts to Alberta. Combined with the significant tax revenue going to both Municipal Districts, this renewable energy Project will be a sustainable source of revenue for its estimated 30-year life. 

Project Details

Fox Meadows Wind

Permitting process
Current status


August 2024: Project Update

The Application has been submitted to the Alberta Utilities Commission on August 12th, 2024.

Spring 2024: Project Update

In Spring 2024, ABO Energy published updated information on the Fox Meadows project. Download the new brochure here

 July 2023: Project Update 

In July 2023, FMWI published updated information on the Fox Meadows project. Download the new brochure here.

March 2023: Invitation to Open House

Please join ABO Wind Canada to learn about and discuss the latest updates for our 165 MW renewable wind project located between the towns of Provost and Wainwright, south of Edgerton. Refreshments will be provided.

Date: Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Where: Agricultural Community Hall in Edgerton: 4916 50th Street
Time: 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm

Download the invitation 

December 2022: Project Update

In December 2022, ABO Wind published updated information on the Fox Meadows project. Download the new brochure here. 

July 2022: Launching our Fox Meadows website

On July 15, 2022 our new website Fox Meadows Wind went live. We are happy to answer your questions and hear your feedback!


Project information

Project Development Area

Fox Meadows Wind

The Project Development Area for Fox Meadows has changed since our summer 2022 public notification. Through input received during our ongoing public consultation process, we eliminated the western section of the Project and expanded the eastern portion of the Project to accommodate the 25 proposed wind turbines needed to produce the 165 MW of renewable energy. Current layout designs have utilized the Vestas V162 6.2 MW wind turbine with a hub height of 100 - 120 metres and a blade length of 80 - 90 metres. The turbine model is subject to change based on availability.

Battery Storage System

The battery storage components will include battery modules, inverters, transformers, and an energy management system. The incorporation of a battery storage system will increase project flexibility and the reliability of the electrical grid. The current size of the proposed battery is 70 MW/219.2 MWh, which will occupy an area of roughly 6 acres.

The battery storage will be placed in close proximity to the Project substation, proposed for the SE of Section 2, Township 42, Range 4, West of the 4th Meridian. The Project substation will contain one step-up transformer that will increase the voltage of the electricity from the Project prior to exporting it to the grid. The substation will also include circuit breakers, and a control building for maintenance of the site. Additional project infrastructure includes access roads, collector lines, and meteorological towers. This is displayed on the brochure map.

Environmental and Additional Studies

FMWI submitted the required Renewable Energy Submission Report to Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) in Q1 of 2023. Feedback from AEPA was received in January 2024, which determined that the Project poses a ‘moderate risk’ to wildlife and wildlife habitat, based on Project siting, wildlife use in the area, and commitments made by the Proponent to mitigate and monitor wildlife impacts.

FMWI submitted the Project application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) on August 12, 2024, under Rule 007 – Application – Wind Power Plants 10 Megawatts or greater – urban and rural. The Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) was included in the same application process. As part of the Facility Application, FMWI submitted an Environmental Evaluation for both the Wind and BESS components, assessing potential impacts and proposing mitigation measures for environmental features. The AUC has assigned the proceeding number 29226. The public has been informed of the application submission.

Visual Simulations

A third party was contracted to conduct visual simulations from different viewpoints across the Fox Meadows Project Development Area. The purpose of the visual simulations is to illustrate the Project relative to the landscape. The visual simulation locations were chosen based on a mix of vantage points across the Project site that are mostly accessible to the public.

Visual Simulations

Visual Simulations

Visual Simulations

Visual Simulations

Visual Simulations

Visual Simulations


The Project will have sound-generating infrastructure, which include the wind turbines, the substation and the battery storage system. Third-party consultants have been retained to model noise from the Project. The 40-decibel contour shown on the map represents the potential impact from the noise emitted from the turbines and substation. 40 decibels is approximately equivalent to the sound produced from light rain or a soft whisper. As we are working diligently on the incorporation of the battery storage system – updated noise results in a future mailout will show noise emitting from the battery units as well. The contours have been modelled utilizing the Vestas V162 – 6.2MW wind turbines. Preliminary results indicate noise compliance with AUC Rule 012: Noise Control at all dwellings within the Project Development Area.

Shadow Flicker

Shadow flicker can occur at certain times of the year when the sun passes behind a turbine’s moving blades, casting a shadow seen through a window. Similar to noise impacts, FMWI retained a third-party consultant to evaluate shadow flicker from the Project to nearby residences. The study is ongoing, and results will be shared with the public prior to the second Open House.

Historical Resources

FMWI will consult with Alberta Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women and look to receive clearance for the Project under the provincial Historical Resources Act.

Regulatory Process

An application will be made to the AUC under Rule 007 – Application – Wind Power Plants 10 Megawatts or greater – urban and rural. In addition, but not limited to, the following municipal/provincial permits and/or approvals may be required for the Project:




FMWI has updated the preliminary projected timeline for the Project. These changes are shown in the table below and are subject to change.

Activity Timeline
Alberta Environment and Parks (AEPA) Renewable Energy Referral Report Q1 2024
Public Notification and Project Information Package 4 Q2 2024
AUC Application Submission Q3 2024
AUC Review and Approval Ongoing (Proceeding Number 29226)
Q2 2025
Start of Construction Q3 2025
Commencement of Operation Q3 2027



Community Benefits

Posters from our Open House

Please click on an image to see a larger version. 
You will find a pdf version under Download.

Wind Project: Company Profile
Company Profile
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Project Benefits
Project Benefits
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Consultation
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Project Overview
Project Overview
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Project Timeline
Project Timeline
Battery Storage Concept
Battery Storage Concept
Condition of Land/Soil after the Project
Condition of Land/Soil after the Project
What does energy cost?
What does energy cost?
Emissions of various energy sources
Emissions of various energy sources
How does a wind turbine work?
How does a wind turbine work?
Shadow Flicker
Shadow Flicker


Fox Meadows Wind Project: Map
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Noise and Shadow Flicker
Noise and Shadow Flicker
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Visualizations Map
Visualizations Map
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Visualizations
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Visualizations
Fox Meadows Wind Project: Visualizations

Project Consultation

The consultation process is guided by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), Rule 007. FMWI commits to forthright and meaningful communication that is timely and respectful. Through the ongoing provision of project information, we aim to incite discussion with interested parties and commit to the thoughtful consideration of feedback into our project planning in order to mitigate and avoid impact. Consultation will continue throughout the life of the Project. All correspondence related to the project will be recorded and submitted as part of the Participation Involvement Program for the AUC Application. If you have questions about the Regulatory and Consultation Process, you can contact the AUC at 403-592-4500 or or visit their website at

Frequently Asked Questions

In March of 2023, ABO Energy (now FMWI) hosted an Open House at the Edgerton Agricultural Community Hall. Approximately 50 individuals attended the event to discuss the Project. We have listed some of the key questions from the Open House and responses below. 


FAQ from the March 2023 Open House

How will the project be decommissioned? What is recycled?

The main components of a wind turbine that can be recycled, repurposed, or salvaged include: steel tower sections, steel reinforcement, electrical equipment and cables, precious metals, and concrete. Other materials or pieces of equipment that cannot be recycled, repurposed, or salvaged will be disposed of according to local/provincial regulations. Two of the largest turbine manufacturers have recently created the first set of turbine blades that are fully recyclable. The use of these blades will be evaluated for this project. The value of the recycled materials can offset as much as 70% of the decommissioning costs.

Source: Decommissioning Plan and Reclamation Cost Estimate for the North Bend Wind Project Hyde and Huges County, South Dakota; Tetra Tech, August 2021
What is the impact of turbines on birds including during migratory periods?

The impact on birds by the Project is studied by Maskwa Environmental Consulting Ltd. (Maskwa Environmental). Bird migration studies to date have shown a healthy population of migrating birds within and surrounding the Project area. Biologists from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) will review the results of these bird surveys and will determine if acceptable and if the impacts can be mitigated. FMWI is developing a comprehensive environmental protection plan, which is inclusive of operational mitigation to minimize disturbance to birds and other wildlife and wildlife habitat in the Project area. FMWI will work with AEPA and will complete a minimum of 3 years of post- construction bird mortality monitoring.

Is the project subsidized by the government?

ABO Energy KGaA is funding all the costs for project development. Once the Project is ready for construction, ABO Energy KGaA would likely work with banks to secure project financing. We have good relationships with reputable Canadian and European banks. Fox Meadows is viable without government subsidy or tax credits, however if tax credits or subsidies become available prior to the time of construction, then we will assess the eligibility and could utilize these available incentives, similar to other industries in Canada.

Is the Project Green?

Results show that in research that considered ~3000 life cycle assessment studies on utility-scale electricity generation, wind energy produces significantly less grams of CO2 per kilowatt hour than fossil fuels. When taking into account the extracting of resources, manufacturing, operations and decommissioning of projects coal produces almost 22 times as much CO2 (greenhouse gas) than a wind and battery project. Natural gas produces more than 10.5 times as much.

Source: NREL‘s Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Electricity Generation: Update; September 2021
Does low frequency noise (LFN) or infrasound from turbines impact human health?

There are over 75,000 operational wind turbines in Canada and United States and there are now over 100 peer-reviewed published scientific articles on the potential for health impacts living in proximity to wind turbines. Although audible sound, infrasound and low frequency noise (LFN) are emitted from wind turbines it is not at a level that causes health impacts, headaches, nausea, sleep problems and tinnitus. LFN or infrasound are a common occurrence produced from wind itself and other human sources including road traffic, refrigerators, air conditioners, farm machinery, and airplanes. Alberta’s AUC Rule 012 and the FMWI setback distances from homes will ensure the protection of public health and safety from wind turbine sound.

Additional information can be found at the Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise Study website: canada/services/health-risks-safety/radiation/everyday-things- emit-radiation/wind-turbine-noise/wind-turbine-noise-health- study-summary-results.html


FAQ from the August 2022 Open House

Why is the open house not done in a presentation manner with an open microphone for questions?

We find that allowing attendees to seek out topic-specific tables will facilitate their questions being addressed one on one by topic experts without being rushed for time. This method also allows for more questions by more people, many of whom do not want to present their questions openly to the entire room. This walk-through Poster Board format allows for attendees to arrive at any time during the open house hours without having missed information that was presented only at the beginning of the event.

Is the Project a done deal?

No project is predetermined. The provincial regulatory system is designed to review and assess any project and ultimately decide if a project is in the public’s best interest. Our Project must first be reviewed by both Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (AEPA) and the regulated Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), where they evaluate the Project relative to certain criteria such as environmental and social impacts. There are also municipal development permits that must be acquired before a project is able to be constructed and commence operations.

Is the Project subsidized by the Government?

Fox Meadows is 100% privately-funded by ABO Energy KGaA and is not subsidized by the Government.

Who is responsible for the clean-up of the wind turbines in the event that something goes awry with the company, such as bankruptcy?

The owner of a project is responsible for reclamation of the project and must meet provincial guidelines, at the time of reclamation. Wind projects benefit from the fact that the fuel source (wind) is free. If a company operating a wind project goes bankrupt, the inherent value of a project such as this is retained in the form of: an existing connection to the electrical grid, a free fuel source, and an opportunity to update the technology to continue operations.

If we are opposed to the Project, how would we express our opposition?

Please contact David Berrade at with any concerns. FMWI would like the opportunity to discuss each concern to understand them, provide potential resolutions and track this information to include with the submission of our application to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC). In addition, individuals can express their concerns directly to the AUC by visiting and reviewing the document “Participating in the AUC’s independent review process to consider facility applications”.

What are the Economic Opportunities and benefits for the area?

We expect a workforce of between 75 to 100 individuals during the estimated 18-month construction period. There will be approximately $70 million of goods and service contracts going to Alberta companies, with preference going to qualified local entities in proximity to the MDs of Wainwright and Provost. Goods and services needed for the Project include: steel, concrete, gravel, accommodations, surveying, snow removal, hydro vac, security, waste/recycling, civil construction, fuel and many more.

The Project is expected to provide tens of millions of dollars in municipal tax revenue over the anticipated 30-year life of the Project. This revenue will be split between the MDs of Provost and Wainwright.

Apart from the royalties that landowners with Project infrastructure on their property will receive, FMWI will collaborate with local communities to provide monetary support from a Fox Meadows Community Benefit Fund.


Previous FAQ

Where is the proposed site for Fox Meadows?

The proposed 165 MW Fox Meadows Project is located on privately-owned land between the Town of Provost and the Village of Edgerton.

Who is developing the site?

ABO Energy was founded in 1996 and is now a leading developer of renewable energy projects. ABO Energy opened its Canadian headquarters in Calgary in 2017 and focuses on developing wind, solar, energy storage, and green hydrogen projects throughout Canada. The ABO Energy Canada team is supported by over 900 technical experts from across the globe. For more information, please visit:

At what stage is the Project?

Fox Meadows is at a preliminary stage. We have performed desktop studies, some field studies and are currently verifying the wind. The first notification to the public went out in July 2022.

How much power will the Project generate?

The Project is planned to produce approximately 165 megawatts of electricity from as many as 25 turbines, depending on technology. This is enough electricity for more than 65,000 homes.

What is the timing for construction?

At this time, construction is forecast for the fall of 2024. This is a preliminary construction date and can be influenced by a number of factors that include; the regulatory process, stakeholder feedback, the material supply chain and unforeseen events.

What is the consultation process?

The consultation process is guided primarily by the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC), Rule 007. ABO commits to forthright and meaningful communication that is timely and respectful. Through the ongoing provision of project information, we aim to incite discussion with interested parties and commit to the thoughtful consideration of feedback into our project planning in order to mitigate and avoid impact. Consultation will continue throughout the life of the Project. All correspondence related to the project will be recorded and submitted as part of the Participation Involvement Program for the AUC Application.

Updates will be provided based on the determination of new, relevant information that is essential for stakeholders to understand the Project.

How loud will the Project be?

The Project will have sound-generating infrastructure, which include the wind turbines, substation and potential energy storage. ABO will conduct a third-party noise impact assessment as per Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) Rule 012: Noise Control guidelines to ensure sound generated from the Project will be below required levels.

Will the community benefit from the Fox Meadows Wind Project?

A community benefit fund will be created to support local organizations and initiatives.

The municipalities of Wainwright and Provost will receive a substantial amount in property taxes from the Project each year.

The Project will create short-term and long-term jobs and contracts for site clearing, road building, electrical, construction and concrete work. In addition, the Project will need regular maintenance throughout its operational life.

Who owns the land at the site?

The Project proposed will be entirely on privately-owned land.

Will the wind farm have an impact on human health?

We respect that some individuals may have concerns regarding health. The Project will be designed to meet or exceed all provincial regulations and guidelines currently in place to protect human health.

Health Canada with Statistics Canada and other external experts conducted a Community Noise and Health Study. The results released in 2014 indicated that wind turbine noise was not linked to self-reported medical illnesses and health conditions. For more information and other studies,

Will it affect birds and other wildlife?

As part of the regulatory approval process, a comprehensive environmental study is being undertaken by a third-party consultant that will assess wildlife in the area following the Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) Wildlife Directive. Results from the studies will be inputted into the design of the Project and shared to AEP for review.

Why build more renewable low-carbon energy?

The Province of Alberta has committed to have 30% renewable energy electricity generation by 2030. The province also supports the Canadian government’s goal to achieve a net-zero-emissions economy by 2050. Renewable Electricity Act, 2020; (Renewable Electricity Act - Open Government (

What if I have more questions?

Please. send questions and/or concerns to us through the contact form at or contact our Social Impact and Engagement Lead with the number provided below.



For general information, visit Canadian Renewable Energy Association - Wind. Solar. Storage. (


What questions do you have about Fox Meadows Wind? Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Phone Number *
Email Address *
Postal Address *

Your question:

In the Community

FMWI commits to growing our relationship with the communities where we operate, as it is part of our fundamental values that these communities benefit from our presence. As we learn more about each community, we discover initiatives that would benefit from our contributions. We are proud to be a sponsor of both Edgerton’s ‘Bullarama & Sports Days’ and the ‘Provost Public School Panther Athletic Program’. Once operations commence, FMWI will establish a Community Fund for the life of the Project in both the MD of Provost and MD of Wainwright to support local initiatives.

Vendors and Suppliers

If you are a Vendor interested in providing your goods and/or services to ABO Energy Canada Ltd. we ask that you submit your company information via our ‘Supplier Registration Form’ located here: 


Dave Berrade

Social Impact and Engagement Lead

Dave Berrade

Tel. +1 (587) 576-5339

News Project information Schedule Photos Community Benefits Project Consultation Q&A In the Community Vendors and Suppliers Contact